A must organization for all aspiring and published romance writers
Coffee Time Romance & More
Your One Stop Shop for Books and Authors on the Web
The Passionate Pen
A Resource for Romance Writers
Preditors & Editors
This site helps the writer choose wisely when it comes to sending out their
manuscript into the wild and wooly world.
Writing links & Links for writers
Charlotte Dillon's Site has so much good info for writers
on several topics: it helps with the craft, research and
rejeuvenation, as well as info about the industry.
Erotic Romance E-Publisher Comparison Site
Helps writer take the guessing out of
which e-pub to query their work.
Piers Anthony E-Publishing Info
Info mostly on e-publishers that includes specifics on
complaints that go into more detail than even
Preditors and Editors. Definitely a great place to check
if you're researching e-pubs.
Writer's Digest - The website for the publication
Writer's Digest is a one-stop shop for creative writers.
The site hosts everything from writing advice and
prompts to community forums and blogs, and you don't
have to be a magazine subscriber to access it.