Useful Sites for Writers:

Romance Writers of America

A must organization for all aspiring and published romance writers

Coffee Time Romance & More

Your One Stop Shop for Books and Authors on the Web

The Passionate Pen

A Resource for Romance Writers

Preditors & Editors

This site helps the writer choose wisely when it comes to sending out their manuscript into the wild and wooly world.

Writing links & Links for writers

Charlotte Dillon's Site has so much good info for writers
on several topics: it helps with the craft, research and
rejeuvenation, as well as info about the industry.

Erotic Romance E-Publisher Comparison Site

Helps writer take the guessing out of
which e-pub to query their work.

Piers Anthony E-Publishing Info

Info mostly on e-publishers that includes specifics on
complaints that go into more detail than even
Preditors and Editors. Definitely a great place to check
if you're researching e-pubs.

Absolute Write
An overall great place to stop for a writer. It has a great deal of information and don't forget to drop in at the water cooler.
The Ultimate Writer's Guide
Gives basic information to both the student and writer
Writer's Digest

Writer's Digest - The website for the publication Writer's Digest is a one-stop shop for creative writers. The site hosts everything from writing advice and prompts to community forums and blogs, and you don't have to be a magazine subscriber to access it.
A Resource Guide to Writing Basics